Gold Standard Challenge

GOLD STANDARD CHALLENGE 2016-smallHi everyone,
Time to start thinking about applying for year end awards. If you and your dog have competed in both conformation and field you are eligible to apply for the gold standard challenge. See point schedule in attachment.

Reminder to all you show dogs….we have a WC/WCX coming up October 8,

I’m very excited for everyone to see the beautiful custom made trophy, it will be presented at the annual Christmas party in December.

Please have you points earned in by December 2, 2016 dogs can be handled by multiple owners in different venue.

you can snail mail:
Kristin Sipus
4751 SE 216th Ave.
Morriston, Florida 32668
or email:

Gold Standard Challenge 2016 (PDF)

2016 DOCOF (Dog Obedience Clubs of Florida) Tournament

This team of five members of the Mid-Florida Golden Retriever Club competed in the annual DOCOF (Dog Obedience Clubs of Florida) tournament held at Osceola Heritage Park in Kissimmee, Florida, Sept. 3-4. Left to right are John Thibodeaux and Smooch; Dee Thibodeaux and Sizzle; Michele Panetta and Elle; Deena Strauss and Bentley; and Camille N. Doehring and Olivia. Back row are club members Charlie and Susan Hicks who volunteered to help the team during the tournament.


Message from MFGRC Obedience Trial Chairman Michele Panetta

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the following people who helped make the obedience trial a success. Starting with Andy Hall, who took over as hospitality chair. Andy took care of the hotel reservations and dinner reservations. He also helped stewarding both days. Nextstop isRalph Orlando. Ralph maintained the building both days. Cleaning,moving mats, setting up rings. He was able to keep up with this while also and during his dog in the trial. John and Dee Thibodeaux were two more members that were there both days stewarding and setting up on Friday. Dee was also entered and earned her UD title. Congratulations.
President Ted Misilo was there all three days setting up and stewarding.

I would also like to acknowledge the following for all their help at the rings, Susan Armstrong, Robin Bowen, Joan Costello, Linda Campagna, Camille Camille N. Doehring, Susan Handy, Luci Seeley, Kristen Kristin Ozmun Sipus and Susan Wilkes. A trial of any kind cannot be put on without a family. These participants became a family by working together for the success of thistrial.

Another thanks goes out to Adrienne Swanick who was our trial secretary. As someone who has been a trial secretary, I know the amount of work it takes and I appreciate it.

Thanks again to all for the help,
Michele Panetta
Trial Chairman

Agility Trial Report April 22-24, 2016

agility_andy_hall_april2016The Mid-Florida Golden Retriever Club hosted an AKC All Breed agility trial at the Grand Oaks Resort in Weirsdale Florida on April 22, 23 & 24. The event proved to be a success with the help of both club and non-club members. Some of the club members that I would like to recognize for their hard work and support all weekend are; Rosa Blair, Mike Orloff and Pat Kopco, Bob Young, Dee and John Thibodeaux, Pat Carlile, Andy Hall, Camille Doehring, Ralph Orlando, Ann Rowe, Michele Throm and Betty Lambert. Without the tireless help of these folks thetrial would not have been successful. Thank you folks so much for pitching in!

Our judges this time were Bob Jeffers and Lisa Rieves. Their courses were great and all of the exhibitors enjoyed running their dogs thru the courses they designed. We enjoyed working with them, building their courses and watching the dogs navigate the obstacles. Along with the judges our trial secretary, Jill Roberts, performed without a flaw almost going un-noticed. Jill and her team have been performing the agility secretary’s duties for our club for quite a while.

The Grand Oaks Resort staff was awesome! They catered to all of our needs, sometimes in a moments no-tice. They prepared the surface of the agility rings to perfection after the conclusion of each days runs. There was nothing but praises coming from the exhibitors relative to the running surface and the trial location.

We brought in the Army JROTC from Lake Weir High School as volunteers to help run the rings on Saturday and Sunday. This group of young adults was phenomenal. They worked hard to help build courses, set bars, run leashes, run scribe sheets and even stayed on Sunday to help us load the equipment back into the agility trailers. Their attitudes and courtesy was a welcome presence and noticed by all at the trial.

We had around 1064 runs for the 3 days and out of that came 3 MACH titles, one of those belonging to one of our own club members Pat Carlile. Congratulations Pat!

All in all the trial was a huge success. Yes we learned a few things here and there, but minimal considering it was our first time conducting an agility trial at this site. We will be back there in October of this year for our 2nd trial. I hope that more club members come out to help, see this wonderful location and enjoy the abilities of our be-loved canines performing in the sport of dog agility!

Kind Regards,

John Blair
MFGRC Agility Chair

Annual Fun Match (Rally, Obedience, and Conformation) Results – March 2016

The Mid-Florida Golden Retriever Club held its annual “Fun Match” on Saturday, March 19, at the home of Ann Rowe in Sorrento, Florida, with Rally, Obedience and Conformation competition.


Rally Novice qualifiers in MFGRC Fun Match held March 19 in Sorrento, Fla., were first place Deborah Dean (right) and her Australian Cattle Dog Timber Iselin and second place Barbara Anderson (left) and her Golden
Retriever Emma (Magik Circle of Life). Ellen Bartkus, who judged Rally, is with all in the photos.
Deborah Dean (right) and her Australian Cattle Dog Timber Iselin and second place Barbara Anderson (left) and her Golden Retriever Emma (Magik Circle of Life). Judge Ellen Barktus (center).
Deborah Dean (right) and her Australian Cattle Dog Timber Iselin and second place Barbara Anderson (left) and her Golden Retriever Emma (Magik Circle of Life). Judge Ellen Barktus (center).
Rally Advanced was won by Ann Rowe with her Golden Retriever Mogul (CH Magik’s Ice on the Slopes).
Ann Rowe with her Golden Retriever Mogul (CH Magik's Ice on the Slopes). Judge Ellen Barktus (right).
Ann Rowe with her Golden Retriever Mogul (CH Magik’s Ice on the Slopes). Judge Ellen Barktus (right).
Rally Excellent was won by Michele Throm with her Golden Retriever Bella (Magik’s Emerald Belle Of The Ball)
Michele Throm with her Golden Retriever Bella (Magik's Emerald Belle Of The Ball). Judge Ellen Barktus (right).
Michele Throm with her Golden Retriever Bella (Magik’s Emerald Belle Of The Ball). Judge Ellen Barktus (right).

Conformation (Golden Retrievers only)


3-6 months: Magik’s Gary Player (owner Ann Rowe)
6-9 months: Jazzie’s Magik’s Hook ‘em Horns (owner Ann Rowe)
9-12 months: Lakewood James
12-19 months: Magik’s Frozen Snowman (owner Ann Rowe)

BEST PUPPY: Jazzie’s Magik’s Hook ‘em Horns
Adult Dog: Magik Top of the Cosmic Mountain (owner Barbara Hall)


3-6 months: Magik’s Dance Party (owner Ann Rowe)
6-9 months: Deauquest the Dance (owner Dee Thibodeaux)
9-12 months: Magik’s One of A Kind (owner Ann Rowe)
12-18 months: Jazzie’s Where Everyone Knows Your Name (owner Rosa Blair)

Adult Bitches: Mischief Divine Emerald (owner Camille Doehring)
Veterans: Mischief Law and Order (owner Camille Doehring)

BEST IN MATCH: Mischief Divine Emerald (owner Camille Doehring)