Entry Premium Ready for the Fun Match

The Mid-Florida Golden Retriever Club’s Fun Match (AKC sanctioned B-Match) is back for another day of dog fun on Saturday, March 15 with all-breed obedience and rally and conformation for Goldens. 

The Match will be held at the home of MFGRC past president Ann Rowe in Sorrento, FL with judging to begin at 8:30 a.m. The entry premium can be found by clicking here

Entries also are accepted on the day of the match. In addition to the competition, the day will include a BBQ lunch, a raffle and a club meeting. The address is 23840 Oak Valley Lane, Sorrento, FL, 32776. 

Holiday Golden Tails Newsletter

The Holiday 2024 edition of “Golden Tales,” the official newsletter of the Mid-Florida Golden Retriever Club, is now available for reading and downloading on the club website.

The new edition contains features and content not available anywhere else. And as always, members are recognized for their achievements with their Goldens.

The new issue can be downloaded here:

Newsletter Corrections: Please note that Pam Ginn was inadvertently listed as a 2025 Board Member. She is taking a break from the board this upcoming year. Also, in the picture directly below the listing of the 2025 Board, Michele Throm’s name was spelled incorrectly. Lastly, on the Dog of the Year Awards, the Rally Dog of the Year is Michele Throm’s “Ary” IntCH Ethos Winter Is Coming At Cachet CD BN RM2 RAE JH OAP OJP BCAT ACT RATN DS CGC CCA WCX VC.

A reminder to MFGRC members that “Golden Tales” editor Chris Jeffrey is always in the market for good content for the newsletter. Ideas can be sent to her at newsletter@mfgrc.org.

Happy reading, and please share the newsletter with your friends and family.

September Golden Tails Newsletter

The September 2024 edition of “Golden Tales,” the official newsletter of the Mid-Florida Golden Retriever Club, is now available for reading and downloading on the club website.

The new edition contains features and content not available anywhere else. And as always, members are recognized for their achievements with their Goldens.

The new issue can be downloaded here:

A reminder to MFGRC members that “Golden Tales” editor Chris Jeffrey is always in the market for good content for the newsletter. Ideas can be sent to her at newsletter@mfgrc.org.

Happy reading, and please share the newsletter with your friends and family.

June Golden Tails Newsletter

The June, 2024 edition of “Golden Tales,” the official newsletter of the Mid-Florida Golden Retriever Club, is now available for reading and downloading on the club website.

The new edition contains features and content not available anywhere else. And as always, members are recognized for their achievements with their Goldens.

The new issue can be downloaded here:

A reminder to MFGRC members that “Golden Tales” editor Chris Jeffrey is always in the market for good content for the newsletter. Ideas can be sent to her at newsletter@mfgrc.org.

Happy reading, and please share the newsletter with your friends and family.