Officers, Board Members Confirmed for 2019

Officers and board members for the Mid-Florida Golden Retriever Club for 2019 were confirmed during the club’s annual meeting on December 15. They are as follows:


President – Ann Rowe

Vice President – Michele Throm

Secretary – Andy Hall

Treasurer – Dee Thibodeaux



Marilyn Booher

Robin Lemieux Burket

Pam Ginn

Pat Kopco

Ted Misilo

Ann Moye

In addition to the above, club member Pat Carlile will continue to assist the 2019 officers and board in the non-voting position of assistant secretary.


MFGRC News and Notes – August 15, 2018

CLUB MEETING SEPT. 2 — The next general meeting of the Mid-Florida Golden Retriever Club will be on Sunday, Sept. 2, at the DOCOF competition in the Events Center at Osceola Heritage Park in Kissimmee, Fla. DOCOF (Dog Obedience Clubs of Florida) is an annual team obedience competition involving 30 teams from around the state. The meeting will begin when DOCOF breaks for lunch, which will be at approximately noon. Meeting location will be the lobby of the Events Center and members should bring their own chairs for the meeting. Osceola Heritage Park is located at 1875 Silver Spur Lane, Kissimmee, FL 34744. DOCOF competition begins at 8 a.m. and MFGRC members are invited to come early and watch some of the very unique event. IMPORTANT NOTE: Club members should NOT bring their dogs to the meeting.

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A Note of Thanks

The Mid-Florida Golden Retriever Club held its annual Obedience and Rally Trial Aug. 11-12 at the Obedience Club of Daytona and as trial chairman, I’d like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the club members and others who contributed to the success of the event.

First of all, we couldn’t do it without the help and dedication of Ralph and Maria Orlando, who in addition to being members of the MFGRC are also very active and strong members of the OCOD. Ralph set up the building and kept things running smoothly with it all weekend, while Maria’s skills as a photographer were on display as she was everywhere and posted about 150 images from the trial on Facebook. Both also pitched in whenever needed and took care of many details and little things that are so important during a trial.

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MFGRC Club News and Notes May 2018


The next general meeting for the MFGRC will be held Sunday, July 15, as part of a new event – a combined grooming and health seminar for club members at Daus Hund Haus in Lakeland. It will be FREE for club members. Rosa Blair, who is a certified master groomer as well as a club member, will give a thorough demonstration and answer questions about grooming Goldens. Also, club member Dr. Pam Ginn, who has been associated with the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Florida for more than 25 years, will give a presentation on canine health and answer questions. The event will run from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. and members can bring their own lunch.


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