2019 New Title Rosettes for MFGRC Members

Members of the Mid-Florida Golden Retriever Club who earn new titles for their Goldens during calendar year 2019 may be eligible to receive a new title rosette from the club. The rosettes will be similar to this one from 2018 being modeled by Ralph and Maria Orlando’s Golden boy Smokey:

This year a stipulation has been added to the process: in order to be eligible to receive a new title rosette from the club, a member must have volunteered to work for at least one club event during the year, or have done equivalent work for the club behind-the-scenes (subject to verification). The stipulation was added to encourage members to help with club events.

If your dog has won a new title in 2019 and you feel you are eligible to receive a rosette, please email the full name of the dog, what the title earned was and what event(s) you worked at to MFGRC board member Robin Burket. Robin will order the rosettes later this year and make them available for pickup early next year. If you will not be able to attend an event to pick up your rosette, you will be asked to send a check for $10 for postage and handling, made out to MFGRC, so that it can be mailed to you.

Robin’s email address is robin.c.lemieux (at) gmail (dot com). The deadline for submissions is December 31, 2019.