MFGRC To Hold CCA July 16 in Ocala; Space is Limited

The Mid-Florida Golden Retriever Club will hold a CCA (Certificate of Conformation Assessment) on Saturday, July 16, in Ocala, Fla. The CCA is a program of the Golden Retriever Club of America (GRCA) and offers an AKC-recognized title.

The MFGRC’s CCA will be limited to 18 entries on a first-come, first-served basis, with one alternate. The entry fee is $75 and entries close on July 2. Entries must be accompanied by a copy of the dog’s AKC registration.

Entries should be sent to Robin Bowen, event secretary, at 3001 SW College Rd., PMB 41, Ocala, Fla., 34474. Checks should be made payable to MFGRC.

Entry form

The event will begin at 8 a.m. at the MADTA (Marion-Alachua Dog Training Association) building, located at 6600 NW 3rd Place, Ocala, Fla., 34482.

The purpose of the CCA is to provide education to owners on proper breed conformation. It is a non-competitive, one-on-one evaluation where dogs are assessed against the standard, not against each other.
The CCA provides the owner with a chance to demonstrate their dog’s qualities in a relaxed environment (dogs are expected to be casually groomed and handled). The owners receive both verbal and written feedback from the evaluator, and evaluations are confidential. The dog receives a numerical score based on the breed standard, and those that score above a 75 are granted the title, which can be put on the dog’s AKC record.

More details are available on the GRCA website:

MFGRC Announces 2021 Year-End Award Recipients

The Mid-Florida Golden Retriever Club announced its 2021 year-end awards recipients and winners at the club’s annual Christmas party on Dec. 18 at the home of club president Ann Rowe in Sorrento, Fla.

2021 Year-End Dog and Competition Awards
Dog of the Year award winners received custom car magnets from the club that were created by club member Anney Doucette of K9-Design.

Agility Dog of the Year:  Peaches – Nina DePetris
MACH Picabo’s Sweet As A Peach MX MXS MXJ MJS OF

Field Dog of the Year: Mya – Marilyn Booher
Surefire My Armani at JBoo QA2 MH CD CDX CCA RN

Hunt Dog of the Year: Boomer – Ron & Pat Rubrecht
Turbo Supersonic Shock Wave MH22 **

Obedience Dog of the Year: Boom – Sally Sherman
OTCH4 Hi-Star Stealin’ All the Thunder UDX13 OGM BN GO.

Rally Dog of the Year: Autumn – Barbara Page|

Show Dog of the Year: Boss – Mustapha and Carlotta El Khorchi

  • Also received perpetual Show Dog of the Year trophy donated by Diane and Vern Gank, Wonderland’s Golden Retrievers

Tracking Dog of the Year
Not presented

Versatility Award: Cody – Karyn Angel

Fallchase Owner-Handler Award: Laura Bellochi
Legend (GCH Pathfinder’s Some Gave All)

  • Received perpetual trophy donated by Fallchase Kennel

Gold Standard Challenge: Elizabeth Scherer
Kody (Am. CH SHR U-CH. IABCA HnrCH/IntCH/NatCH Star Crowned Kodiak Island CD BN RA JH CCA CGC TKN WCX VC)

  • Perpetual trophy donated by Kristin Sipus In memory of Jagger, Sophie & Fisher, three MFGRC Champion Master Hunters

2021 Year-End Club Member Awards

Mover and Shaker Award
Camille Nasca

Above and Beyond Award:
Robin Bowen

Lloyd Kiernan Service Award:
Tom Misilo

Nancy McCune Member of the Year
Pat Kopco

Special Award of Appreciation
Robin Scott (for stepping in to assist the club with agility trials in October when agility chair Dee Thibodeaux had to have emergency surgery)

Special Award of Appreciation
Chris Jeffrey (Editor of club’s “Golden Tales” newsletter)

MFGRC Confirms 2022 Officers and Board

The leadership of the Mid-Florida Golden Retriever Club for 2022 was confirmed by vote during the club’s Annual Meeting held tonight at the home of outgoing club president Ann Rowe in Sorrento, Fla.

Confirmed were the following officers and board members, whose terms began immediately upon the vote:


President – Robin Burket
Vice President – Christine McDaniel
Secretary – Andy Hall
Treasurer – Robin Bowen


Kathy Cudak
Pam Ginn
Ted Misilo
Camille Nasca
Jan Paddock
Ann Rowe
Michele Throm

In addition to the above, club member Pat Carlile will continue to assist the 2022 officers and board in the non-voting position of assistant secretary.

December Issue of “Golden Tales” Now Available

The brand-new December, 2021, edition of “Golden Tales,” the official newsletter of the Mid-Florida Golden Retriever Club, is now available for reading and downloading on the club website.

The new editions contains features and content not available anywhere else, including features on members Heidi Buck (21 Titles in 2021) and Morgan Brooks (balancing her career as a professional handler with being a mom). The issue also contains a look back at the 2021 GRCA National Specialty and as always, members are recognized for their achievements with their Goldens.

The new issue can be downloaded from the “Newsletter” tab above.

A reminder to MFGRC members that “Golden Tales” editor Chris Jeffrey is always in the market for good content for the newsletter. Ideas can be sent to her at The next edition will come out in December.

Happy reading, and please share the newsletter with your friends and family.

Entry Premium Available for MFGRC Specialty at AKC National Championship

The entry premium is now available for the annual Mid-Florida Golden Retriever Club Specialty, held in conjunction with the AKC National Championship presented by Royal Canin on Friday, Dec. 17. 

Entries open Oct. 28 at 4 p.m. Central time for the event, which will be held at the Orange County Convention Center North/South Building in Orlando, Fla.. 

Ms. Pluis Davern of Royal Oaks, Calif., will be the judge. 

The entry premium can be downloaded here