Time To Renew Your MFGRC Membership

It’s that time of year again – time to renew your membership in the Mid-Florida Golden Retriever Club.

Returning members please note that the new deadline for renewing your membership is January 30, 2020. If you have not renewed by then, you will have to re-apply for membership.

People who become club members in October, November and December do not have to renew for 2020; their membership will carry over.

Membership fees for 2020 are $35 for individual, family or associate memberships. Please indicate your category, make your check payable to MFGRC and mail to:

Robin Burket

MFGRC Membership Chair

1113 Juniper Hammock Ct.

Winter Garden, FL 34787

NOTE: Renewals also can be done in person at the club’s general meeting in Ocala on Nov. 16.

2019 New Title Rosettes for MFGRC Members

Members of the Mid-Florida Golden Retriever Club who earn new titles for their Goldens during calendar year 2019 may be eligible to receive a new title rosette from the club. The rosettes will be similar to this one from 2018 being modeled by Ralph and Maria Orlando’s Golden boy Smokey:

This year a stipulation has been added to the process: in order to be eligible to receive a new title rosette from the club, a member must have volunteered to work for at least one club event during the year, or have done equivalent work for the club behind-the-scenes (subject to verification). The stipulation was added to encourage members to help with club events.

If your dog has won a new title in 2019 and you feel you are eligible to receive a rosette, please email the full name of the dog, what the title earned was and what event(s) you worked at to MFGRC board member Robin Burket. Robin will order the rosettes later this year and make them available for pickup early next year. If you will not be able to attend an event to pick up your rosette, you will be asked to send a check for $10 for postage and handling, made out to MFGRC, so that it can be mailed to you.

Robin’s email address is robin.c.lemieux (at) gmail (dot com). The deadline for submissions is December 31, 2019. 

Special Award Donated by Club Members for Show Dog of the Year

The reward for winning the Mid-Florida Golden Retriever Club’s “Show Dog of the Year” is going to be even bigger this year and in the future thanks to a donation from two club members.

Diane and Vern Gank of Wonderland’s Golden Retrievers have donated a new perpetual trophy that they will present to the winning owner of the MFGRC Show Dog of the Year. The special award will be in addition to the club’s award of a custom car magnet to the winner.

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New Edition of “Golden Tales” Newsletter Now Available

The brand-new June edition of “Golden Tales,” the newsletter of the Mid-Florida Golden Retriever Club, is now available for reading and downloading on this website.

The new edition includes a “Member Spotlight” feature on Laura Topping; an introduction to new club board member Ann Moye; information on upcoming event, training tips, club member accolades and much much more.

The newsletter is available under the “Club Information” tab.

Mid-Florida Golden Retriever Club News & Notes

Dock Diving Fun Day

All MFGRC members were emailed information on the club’s upcoming Dock Diving Fun Day a couple of weeks ago – a reminder to please send in your registration and payment if you plan to attend. The event will be Saturday, May 11, at Central Florida Dog Sports in DeLand, beginning at 10 a.m. A general meeting for club members will be held at approximately noon. If you did not receive the information, please email club secretary Andy Hall at andyhall58@hotmail.com.

New MFGRC Specialty

The next big competition event for the MFGRC will be the club’s new, second Specialty that will be held on Friday, June 14, at the Florida State Fairgrounds in Tampa. The entry premium can be downloaded here. Club members who are not competing will be welcomed as spectators. The new Specialty is part of the Sunshine State Cluster and is a Concurrent Specialty with the Greater Venice Florida Dog Club, Inc. The event will include Sweepstakes, Veteran Sweepstakes and Junior Showmanship in addition to regular Conformation for Golden Retrievers. Judges for the event will be Jay Richardson of Elgin, Ill., (breed classes, best owner-handled and junior showmanship, and Alejandro Lima of Miami Beach, Fla., (all sweepstakes classes). For many years, the MFGRC has held a Specialty in December as part of AKC National Championship week at the Orange County Convention Center and the club will continue to do so – this year’s event will be Friday, December 13.

Obedience/Rally Trial Aug. 10-11 in Daytona Beach

The entry premium is now available for the MFGRC’s annual Obedience and Rally Trial, scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 10-11, at the Obedience Club of Daytona building in Daytona Beach, Fla. Judges for the trial will be Ted McCall, Carol Mett and Nancy Watson. For those interested in competing, the entry premium can be downloaded here. Anyone interested in volunteering to work as a steward at the event is asked to contact event chair Andy Hall at andyhall58@hotmail.com.

New Title Rosettes for 2019 – Eligibility Rules Have Changed

A reminder that in order to be eligible to receive one of the club’s new title rosettes at the end of 2019, a club member must have worked at one of the club’s events during the year (or the equivalent behind-the-scenes work), a new stipulation this year. In order to be eligible for the club’s annual year-end awards (Show Dog of the Year, Rally Dog of the Year, etc.), a club member must have worked at two events (or the equivalent behind-the-scenes work) and must have attended one of the club’s general meetings during the year. Upcoming opportunities for club members to volunteer include:

Aug. 10-11 – Obedience/Rally Trial, Daytona Beach, FL

Oct. 18-19-20 – Agility Trial, Wiersdale, FL (and set-up day Oct. 17)

Nov. 2-3 – WC/WCX, Montverde, FL (and set-up day Nov. 1)

Nov. 22-24 – Hunt Test, Montverde, FL (and set-up day Nov. 21)

(the MFGRC board is discussing adding more events this summer)