MFGRC News Updates

General Meeting on Saturday in Brooksville

Reminder that the Mid-Florida Golden Retriever Club will hold its first general meeting of the year on Saturday, January 21, at the Brooksville all-breed show. Goldens show at 12:30 p.m. in Ring 9 and our meeting will be held after that at approximately 2:30 p.m.

Fun Match

The MFGRC’s annual “Fun Match” will be held on Saturday, March 11, at the home of Ann Rowe in Sorrento, Fla. The match will include obedience and rally for ALL BREEDS and conformation for Goldens. More details and entry premium will be available soon.

Fun Tracking Day and General Meeting April 2

The MFGRC is tentatively adding a new event to the calendar – a Fun Tracking Day and general meeting on Sunday, April 2. This would give members the opportunity to let their Goldens try Tracking in a fun, no-pressure setting.

MFGRC to hold CCA in June

At the request of several of our members, the Mid-Florida Golden Retriever Club will hold a CCA on June 3, at the Citrus County Dog Club in Crystal River, Fla. More details to come soon.

Dues Reminder

A reminder to MFGRC members – if you haven’t sent in your dues to renew your membership for 2017, please do so as soon as possible. Please include your mailing address, email address and phone number so we can keep our roster updated. Dues should be mailed to club treasurer Dee Thibodeaux, 36752 Nashua Blvd., Sorrento, FL 32776.