MFGRC to bid on hosting 2020 GRCA National Specialty

Dear MFGRC Members,

On January 1, 2017, the Officers and Board of Directors unanimously voted to place a bid with the GRCA to host the 2020 Golden Retriever National Specialty. This was mostly in part from all the positive responses we received from the General Membership. In order for the club to proceed with this bid we first must select a General Chair person or Co-Chairs to lead this endeavor. We are seeking applicants for MFGRC members, who are also members of the GRCA to fulfill this position. If you are interested in becoming the 2020 National General Chair or Co-Chair, please respond in writing to Andy Hall (MFGRC Secretary – and include a brief resume about yourself. Some of the recommended GRCA General Chair requirements are listed in the GRCA National Specialty Handbook on page 24. It is imperative that we act on this very soon. The Officers and Board Of Directors will select the National Specialty General Chair and announce it to the membership by March 1st, 2017.

Thank you,
John Blair
President MFGRC